Special event: October 11th 2015
In 1915, Oakleigh Band held a very successful “Picture Night”, playing music to accompany silent films. The Picture Night was reviewed in the Oakleigh and Caulfield Times, Saturday December 4th, 1915: a “bumper” audience attended, filling the venue to capacity.
The original event was held at the Oakleigh Mechanics institute, Drummond Street, Oakleigh. This Hall is now known as “Oakleigh Hall”, and is still used by Oakleigh Band as a performance venue.
Sunday, October 11th 2015, Oakleigh Band re-created this event. We invited film makers to create short silent movies, inspired by ANZAC themes:
- Life at home during WW1, within your own family, or within your local community,
- Impact of ANZAC on your community today,
- Your ANZAC journey, how do you recall the events of WW1?
ANZAC themed memorabilia from private collections, never previously displayed, was available for viewing.
Oakleigh band was very pleased to acknowledge support from the Victorian Veterans Council, via a grant from the Anzac Centenary Community Grants Program. This support enabled us to host this event.
We would also like to thank the Oakleigh Carnegie RSL Sub Branch and local businesses Systemsolve and Lisa Iarna Design, for their support.
Picture Night is supported by the Victorian Government through the Victorian Veterans’ Council

RSL Sub Branch Inc
95 – 97 Drummond St
Oakleigh Vic 3166